Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest

Use the Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest form to:

How to replace a Washington title, license plates, registration, tabs, or vessel decal

How to release interest in a vehicle or vessel you're selling, trading, or giving away

Submit a completed Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest form and a completed Vehicle Title Application to a vehicle licensing office.

All legal and registered owners shown on the title must sign the Release of Interest to transfer the title to the new owner. If the form is signed in the presence of a vehicle licensing agent, the agent can certify the signatures and you don't need to have the form notarized.

Filing deadlines

Special instructions

Odometer disclosure: Vehicles 9 years old or newer

An Odometer Disclosure Statement is required when transferring ownership of a motor vehicle that is 9 years old or newer, unless exempt. You can get a disclosure form at any vehicle licensing office.

Name change

If you're changing your name on a title, you must submit all of the following with the Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest:


Financial institutions

If you're releasing interest on a vehicle sold to a Washington dealer or resident, you can speed up the process by giving the released title or Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest to the buyer with a Release of Interest from the seller (your debtor). The buyer can then take the documents to any vehicle/vessel licensing office and transfer the title.

Vehicles and boats held in trust

If the title/registration shows… The Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest must be signed by…
Only the trustees names followed by the designation trustee
(Example: John Doe, trustee)
All trustees shown
The trustees names followed by the designation trustee and name of the trust
(Example: John Doe, trustee John Doe Family Trust)
All trustees shown
Only the name of the trust
(Example: John Doe Family Trust)
Any trustees designated in the trust document

Trustees must also:

Owners of vehicles titled in a Massachusetts Trust must provide a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation for a Massachusetts Trust issued by the Secretary of State's office to verify the Declaration of Trust was filed.

Owner deceased

You may sell or keep a vehicle or vessel you inherit.

Additional documentation required

Power of Attorney (POA)

To properly sign by power of attorney:

  1. Print or sign the name of the person or business granting power of attorney "by."
  2. Sign your name, adding "POA" after your signature. If signing for a business, include your job title and company name.


If you are a… Sign like this
Person signing for an individual John Q. Public by Jane C. Doe, POA
Person signing for a business Business Inc. by Jane C. Doe, POA
Business signing by power of attorney for another business Business Inc. by Jane C. Doe, POA, V.P. for Business 2 Inc.

Need additional help?

For fee amounts or help filling out this form, please contact your local vehicle licensing office.