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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tatlong Panukat: Filipino made Psychological Tests

"Tatlong Panukat: Development, Validation, and Applications of Filipino Personality Tests."


The Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao (PUP) had its beginnings in the early 1970s when Dr. Virgilio G. Enriquez sought to construct a test in Filipino that measured Filipino-oriented traits, behaviors, and attitudes, primarily to identify inventive talent, the main objective of a National
Science and Development Board (NSDB)-sponsored research project. The resulting test, the Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao (PUP), was presented in 1981 at the International Conference on Personality Assessment, after which work on the test continued over the years. In its
present form, the 160-item PUP is in Filipino with English translations for all of its items, 141 items of which are organized into 24 trait scales, 2 validity scales, plus 19 items designed to assess culturally-relevant behaviors and attitudes for use as criterion variables in personality
research such as gambling and drinking behavior. The test may also be administered with its Ilocano, Cebuano, Bicolano, Ilonggo, Kapampangan translations as guide.


Ma. ANGELES LAPEŇA is a faculty member of the Psychology Department of De la Salle University. She was Chair of the DLSU Psychology Department (2007-2010 and 1994-1996), and of the Behavioral Sciences Department (1986-1990). Her field of expertise is in psychometrics and social science methodologies, and her name is linked with the Pambansang Samahan sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino, a national organization of Filipino social scientists. Ms. Lapeña has a number of published and unpublished work, and is a frequent resource person on
systems evaluation, survey research, human resource and organizational development, Filipino personality research and assessment, cognitive and affective test development, and classroom test construction. She earned her AB in Psychology (cum laude) at the University of the Philippines, her masteral studies in psychology at the State University, and has done course work towards a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the De La Salle University.

The Panukat ng Pagkataong Pilipino (PPP) is a personality test which assesses nineteen (19) traits. The test is intended for the age-range of 13 years and above, although usage has mostly been with adults. At present, the PPP is available in the original Pilipino version as well as in
English. The 19 traits of the PPP have been clustered into three forms as follows: Porma K/Form K – includes those traits that are salient for interpersonal relations, Porma S/Form S – consists of personal traits, and Porma KS/Form KS – an intelligence-creativity cluster. There are
two types of norms for the PPP namely: percentiles and standardized scores.

The Panukat ng Pagkataong Pilipino (PPP)

ANNADAISY J. CARLOTA was a full-time faculty member of the Department of Psychology in the University of the Philippines (UP Diliman) from 1965 until 2012. She has also served as Chair of the Department and as Director of the Office of Admissions. Ms. Carlota continues to teach as Lecturer in the same university. The courses she teaches include psychological measurement, psychological assessment, developmental psychology and research methods. Ms. Carlota has an A.B. (Psychology) degree from the University of the Philippines and Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in Psychology from the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign.

The Masaklaw na Panukat ng Loob (Mapa ng Loob) is a 188-item personality inventory that operationalizes the Five-Factor Model with Filipino trait constructs. It is made up of four facets per factor, two interstitial scales (N and A, A and C), and a Social Desirability scale. Each

of the scales, except for the SD scale, is made up of 8 items. The inventory, constructed from 2010 to 2013 by the Personality Research Laboratory of the UP Department of Psychology, is available in both online and pen-and-paper formats. Preliminary norms based on 384 college students from Metro Manila and a Luzon university, and 190 adults from Metro Manila, are available. Reliability, validity, and factor structure evidence for the scales are adequate.

Masaklaw na Panukat ng Loob (Mapa ng Loob) Development and Validation: Excerpts

GREGORIO E.H. DEL PILAR is a professor at the Department of Psychology, UP Diliman, where he handles courses on statistics, psychological measurement, and personality traits. He is a member of the National Research Council of the Philippines, the Psychological Association of the Philippines, and the Pambansang Samahan sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino. He has served as consultant at the Civil Service Commission for their personality and ability testing concerns. Together with a group of advanced graduate students in the Personality program at UP, he has recently completed the Masaklaw na Panukat ng Loob (Mapa ng Loob), a personality inventory operationalizing the FiveFactor Model with twenty facet scales. He obtained his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Paris X Nanterre.

Are Indigenous Personality Dimensions Culture Specific? Philippine Inventories and the Five-Factor Model

Text Source: Program and Flier of the TATLONG PANUKAT: Development, Validation, and Applications of Filipino Personality Tests Assessment Psychology Division of the Psychological Association of the Philippines in partnership with the DLSU Psychology Department, May 23, 2015.

Source of Powerpoint in PDF - emailed by to forum participants.