Insurance Requirements for Facilities Use for Non-Brown Events

There are occasions where Brown University grants permission to use University space for non-business and non-political purposes. This policy governs the use of space in these situations.

Policy Statement

Space at Brown University is intended to be used primarily for scholarly, educational, or related social purposes. However, individuals or groups desiring to use space for non-business and non-political purposes, as defined below, may be granted permission to use, or to rent space when it is available. Brown reserves the right to reject applications for space use at any time, or cancel previous permission to use space at any time, with or without cause, and to adjust the required limits of insurance based on the proposed use.

Brown University requires proof of general liability insurance to cover non-university events held in our facilities for meetings, conferences, sports camps/clinics, weddings or other special functions or events.

For any event where liquor is served by someone other than Brown University Dining Services, a certificate of insurance showing evidence of liquor liability coverage must also be provided.


Non-Brown event: An event that is not managed by University staff or paid for using University funds. This includes events that are sponsored by affiliated entities if they are managing and paying for the event. The event/activity is not for the benefit of Brown University

Non-business purposes:

Non-political purposes: The University facilities, offices, and services may not be used by outside organizations or outside individuals whose purpose is to further the cause of a candidate, political party, or political cause. This guideline adheres even though faculty, students and staff may be members of such outside political organizations.


Event Organizer. Organizations or individuals who wish to use space at Brown for their event are required to obtain permission from the appropriate scheduling office responsible for desired space.

Brown University Departments providing space. Key responsibilities follow:


Certificate of Insurance. The certificate of insurance should be sent to and retained by the Brown University department managing the event space. For any event where liquor is served by someone other than Brown University Dining Services, a certificate of insurance showing evidence of liquor liability coverage must also be provided.