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League of Legends Wiki

Minion Dematerializer

"You belong in a museum!" This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.

Minion Dematerializer is a rune in League of Legends .

Minion Dematerializer

Path Slot
Inspiration 2


Passive: Start the game with 3 × Minion Dematerializers , which can be activated to execute the target enemy minion after a 1-second delay. Dematerializers are placed on a 180-second cooldown at the start of the game.

In addition to the gold and experience obtained from killing the minion, you also gain 6% increased damage to that type of minion for the remainder of the game. Dematerializers beyond the first used on the same type of minion increases this bonus by 3%, up to a maximum of 12% if all three are used on the same minion type.


10 seconds



Outwit Mere Mortals

Keystone (Primary Only)




See Also

Map-Specific Differences [ ]

Howling Abyss differences

Nexus Blitz differences Ultra Rapid Fire differences

Minion Dematerializer (Item) [ ]

This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.

Minion Dematerializer


After a 1 second delay, executes the target enemy minion ( 550 range).


Cannot be used for the first 180 seconds.


Cost Sell ID
Special No Sell 2403



Minion Dematerializer was a distributed item in League of Legends .
